Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Battle Belongs to the Lord - part 3

The Battle Belongs to the Lord - cont.

Let me wrap up some thoughts from last week. Here's the quick recap. The first principle to winning life's battles is to acknowledge God as your Commander in Chief. To lose life's battles you simply need to acknowledge that you are the Commander in Chief. The next principle in winning life's battles is to shout to the Lord in victory. However, to lose life's battles you simply shout at the Lord in defeat.

The final principle is to experience victory through obedience. The obvious alternative is to experience defeat through disobedience. If you remember the story in Joshua 6 Israel was outnumbered and Jericho was well fortified. On paper Israel didn't have a chance. But God gave them instructions and obedience led to them to victory. And it still does!

There is no substitute for obedience. Skills, talents and even charisma will never serve as an alternative to obedience. God means what he says! Partial obedience is disobedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Israel experienced victory at Jericho because they completely obeyed. However, turn to the next chapter and the consequence of their disobedience was defeat. And it still is!

To sum it up Achan takes some of the devoted things and God allows Israel to lose an easy battle at Ai. On paper the Israelites had an easy victory. But disobedience always leads to defeat. Obedience is the only option to pleasing the Lord, and the result of obeying God is winning victories in the battles of life. Obedience or disobedience? Victory or defeat? Blessings or curses? Winning or losing?

I think I'll obey!

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