Thursday, September 13, 2007

Peace vs. Panic

Matthew and Luke record the same story found in Mark 4. Jesus tells the disciples to get into the boat and then a storm comes that strikes panic in the hearts of the disciples. You probably remember what happened next. They woke Jesus up from his nap and he said to the wind and the waves, "Peace! Be Still!" They obeyed!

It's interesting to contrast the different reactions in this story. The disciples are filled with panic; the Lord is filled with peace. After all, they had to wake him up from a peaceful power nap in their panic stricken state of mind. Then Jesus speaks peace to their situation which is what most people tend to focus on in this story.

Of course, that makes sense. Jesus can calm the storms in our lives whether they are financial, relational, emotional or situational. Jesus brings peace to our storm. But I think there's another point that we sometimes miss. Not only can Jesus bring peace to our storm, but he can also bring peace to us during our storm.

Let's not forget that Jesus sent them into the storm. He told them to get in the boat and head to the other side. He led them into a storm. Sometimes we get ourselves in a mess, but this time Jesus directed them into a tough situation. I think he still does that with our lives. He allows us, even directs us, into a variety of storms. The question is why?

I think the answer is two-fold. First of all, it brings glory to his name when he speaks peace to the storm. When Jesus provides a way out there is no doubt that he can still calm the winds and waves in our lives. But I believe he also speaks peace during the storm. If he directs us into a storm then he'll give us the peace to weather it.

Everything God allows has purpose. If God allows you to enter a storm then He has a lesson for you to learn. So the next time you're in one of life's storms ask God to speak peace to you before you ask Him to speak peace to the storm. After all, He may have directed you into the storm for a reason.

Will the storm ever cease? Yes, in God's time He will calm the storm. In the meantime, He can calm your spirit and give you His peace which transcends all human understanding. So what will it be? Peace or panic?

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