Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If...Then... Principle

There's a principle in the Bible that I like to call the "If...Then... principle." You know what I mean. If _____, then ______. Trust me, this really works. However, this principle only works if God is on the right side of the equation (literally). Here's what I mean.

Take money for an example. I've heard people say, "If God blesses me financially, then I'll start to tithe." But that doesn't work. Why? Because God is on the wrong side of the equation. The correct principle from God's Word is more like this: "If I obey God with my tithe, then He will bless me financially."

God's covenant of salvation and blessing are conditional to our obedience. If we obey then all of His promises are Yes and Amen! In other words, the if is up to us because God has already guaranteed the then. God always blesses obedience!

If I were you I'd try this principle out, then you can let everyone know how God has blessed your obedience...just remember to put God on the right side of the equation (If you...then God...)!

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