Wednesday, August 22, 2007

News Flash

News Flash...are you ready?

Vanessa and I have decided to adopt!

Yes, I said adopt! We will hopefully start the adoption process within the next year. After we begin the process it can take up to two years before we bring home our little girl.

Yes, I said little girl! We are planning on adopting a little girl and we've already picked out her name. Hannah Nicole Hawk will be joining our family all the way from El Salvador.

Yes, I said El Salvador! We've found an adoption agency that we love and El Salvador is our country of choice. Please pray with us as we begin this wonderful and exciting journey!


Nick said...

Hey Bobby! That's exciting - and thanks for naming her after me (her middle name)!!

Jeff Leake said...

that's awesome. congrats.

Mike said...

Congratulations Bobby! That's great news. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love the name. I'll be praying for you guys for sure.

Anonymous said...

That is so great Bobby! The name is beautiful. You're in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Well, since my parents are missionaries to El Salvador, I'd have to say you couldn't have chosen a better country! Congratulations!