Friday, September 14, 2007

Strongholds or Tents

In Numbers 13 Moses sent out twelve spies and gave them specific instructions including this paraphrase, "...see whether they dwell in tents or strongholds." That specific phrase sparked a thought in my mind regarding ministry that has consumed me for the last couple of days. I've asked myself this question and now let me ask you: Do you dwell in a tent or a stronghold?

What's the difference in dwelling in a tent versus a stronghold?

1. Tents are portable; strongholds are permanent.
2. Tents are easier to put up; strongholds take much more time to build.
3. Tents provide partial shelter; strongholds provide complete safety.
4. Tents can be easily destroyed; strongholds are created to endure.

I think one of the biggest problems I see with many ministers is they have become tent dwellers. Tent dwellers don't stay in a place long enough to see long-term results. As my friend Herbert Cooper says, "We over-estimate what we can do in the short-term and under-estimate what God can do in the long-term."

Here's an example. The reason that the enemy has such strongholds in my city is because he's never left. Satan has built strongholds in Pontiac and continued to wreak havoc for years on end while many of our churches and ministers have come and gone with the wind. They've pitched their tents and moved on while the enemy has built strongholds of fornication, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, etc.

If we want to bind up the strongman and see lasting results we have to commit to build strongholds for God in our cities. We must dig deep roots and commit ourselves for the long haul. Anyone can put up a tent, but strongholds take time and perseverance. It's much easier, and cheaper, to pitch a tent rather than building a stronghold day by day and brick by brick.

You see tents provide temporary shelter from the elements but do not serve as a place of complete safety. Our churches and ministries should provide more than temporary shelter. They should be fortresses where the lost and hurting can run and find peace. If you're on the run and you see a tent on one side and a stronghold on the other which will you choose for safety and security? A stronghold. Exactly! Then why should we expect hurting people to run and dwell in our tents?

Finally, strongholds are made to withstand and endure battles. Ministry is full of battles. The enemy engages us from every side. When you have a tent the only option is to run. When you have a stronghold you can stay and fight. I'm tired of the enemy having the strongholds in our cities. It's time to plant ourselves, build our strongholds and fight for our cities.

Will you join me in building strongholds for the kingdom of God?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, Bobby!
Your last few posts have been really powerful & God has spoken to me through them. Thanks for your insight! Hope all is well